15 Indoor Plants That Can Reduce Humidity in Your Bathroom

15 Indoor Plants That Can Reduce Humidity in Your Bathroom

After a hard day everyone wants to come home and take a dip in a quiet place, and yourself too, right? But the environment in your bathroom is always a humid climate, it is also an ideal condition for fungal growth. Especially this place is designed for daily activities. If not properly cleaned, it contains many bacteria that have a major impact on your health.
15 Houseplants That Can Reduce Humidity In Your Bathroom
To reduce this problem, growing indoor plants in your bathroom is a positive effect that you should try. For the simple reason, they can play dual roles as decorative pieces and natural dehumidifiers, creating fresh air, balancing moisture and providing more oxygen. In addition, these toilet plants are easy to grow without any hassle. And if you’re looking to upgrade your bathroom, these houseplants are one of the best candidates. So, it’s time to grow something for your bathroom!

#1 Fiddle Leaf Figs

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Violins like to dry out a bit between thorough waterings and thrive on the occasional hydration boost. If your bathroom has a large window or skylight with bright, indirect light, fiddleheads will really enjoy the humidity of a bathroom.

#2 Boston ferns

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Without a healthy dose of moisture, ferns are likely to get really crispy. For this reason, ferns make excellent shower plants, as they absorb warm moisture through their leaves like a natural dehumidifier.

#3 Pothos

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Pothos are incredibly hardy and will tolerate a wide range of growing conditions, including the humidity of a shower. This makes them a great choice for absorbing some of the moisture in a bathroom.

#4 Palm Plants

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The light and humidity of a sunny bathroom are perfect for a palm plant. Transform your bathroom into a spa-like oasis with a palm tree to reduce the humidity in the room.

#5 Orchids

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Orchids can thrive in many conditions, but they love 50 to 70 percent humidity, making them ideal for absorbing some of a bathroom’s humidity

#6 Peace Lilies

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With their large, glossy leaves, peace lilies not only love moisture, they also love being kept in a humid environment like the bathroom.

#7 Air Plants

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Air plants absorb moisture and nutrients through their leaves. In addition to a bathroom’s natural humidity, give air plants a bath in a water-filled sink once a week to keep them happy.

#8 Bromeliads

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The bright and colorful bromeliad is a great way to add a pop of color to your bathroom. They prefer a moist and humid environment, making them great bathroom plants.

#9 English Ivy

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English ivy is easy to care for and thrives in damp environments like bathrooms. This classic plant wanders and twines as it grows, making it great on a high shelf or when climbing a trellis.

#10 Snake Plants

15 Houseplants That Can Reduce Humidity In Your Bathroom
The snake plant, also called mother-in-law’s tongue, is considered a resilient plant. This beautiful plant is also said to have air filtering properties, making it a great choice for reducing humidity in a bathroom.