21 Unique Ideas To Reuse Bottle Caps For Beautiful Home Decorating

21 Unique Ideas To Reuse Bottle Caps For Beautiful Home Decorating

There are many ways to recycle unused items and bottle caps are one of them! In addition, bottle cap recycling is exciting, creative and environmentally friendly. In this post, we share 21 unique bottle cap reuse ideas for beautiful home decor that you will be amazed by. They can help create amazing furniture and cheap home decorations for your rooms and outdoor living spaces by adding color and original design to your home decor. If you love creativity and DIY projects, don’t ignore them.
21 unique ideas to reuse bottle caps for beautiful home decor
Bottle caps are great for recycling because they are small and easy to make. Instead of throwing away your bottle caps, we keep them and turn them into your own works of art such as a clock, cap curtain, table, happy smile, basket or wall decoration that you can use and enjoy anytime. Not only turn used bottle caps into unique and functional or decorative objects to decorate the home more interestingly, but also can teach your kids to be creative and imaginative, and help save money on home decoration while having a lot of fun have. With billions of bottle caps inundated every day and every year, these ideas are great ways to protect and reuse them!

#1 Bottle Cap Watches

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#2 Plastic Bottle Cap Curtain

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#3 Bottle Cap Chart

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#4 bottle cap candles

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#5 Bottle Cap Garden Flowers

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#6 Bottle Cap Happy Smile

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#7 Crown Cap Wreath

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#8 Basket for bottle caps

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#9 Bottle Cap Serving Tray

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#10 bottle cap pin badge flair

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