25 Awesome Ideas To Repurpose Old Dressers

25 Awesome Ideas To Repurpose Old Dressers

Looking to upgrade your old dresser with a new one? This post is for you. It doesn’t suggest the best dresser designs but shows you how to repurpose the old dresser. Don’t waste it. Instead, you can use this rustic wood material for DIY projects. It looks pretty cool in your house and serves both functional and decorative purposes.

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And here are 25 great ideas to repurpose old dressers for your house. If you’re looking to turn old dressers into new working appliances, these are the way to go. Wine bar, kitchen cabinet, storage bench, shoe rack – there are many exciting DIY projects that can be done with “throw away” dressers. Rustic, vintage and charming, they promise to be a focal point in your home. Let’s take a look!

1. Antique coffee bar by Old Dresser

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2. Turn an old dresser into a vintage bookcase for books and plants

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3. Turn a dresser into a wine bar

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4. Upcycled vintage style chest of drawers with storage

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5. Clever ways to reinvent a dresser

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6. Transform the old dresser into a sideboard cabinet

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7. Convert chest of drawers into a bench

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8. Repurposed storage rack

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9. Turn the dresser into a desk

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10. Old dresser repurposed into a wine rack

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